
Overview of Invisalign

  • Invisalign® Braces are the virtually invisible way to get a straight smile without the “metal mouth.” Patients also enjoy the cosmetic benefit of clear aligners along with the flexibility that comes from being able to remove the Invisalign® aligning trays for important occasions, or when you brush your teeth, eat, or drink.
  • Invisalign-trained providers must atseem specialized instructional sessions and participate in ongoing clinical training, so it’s important to visit a provider, like those found at Creating Smiles Dental, who are completely trained to give you your best smile through Invisalign.
  • Invisalign is often referred to as “clear braces” and is ideal for correcting over crowding, over and underbites, spacing issues and minor relapses following traditional orthodontics and has become a very popular cosmetic dental treatment.
  • Invisalign is easily removed so you can eat whatever you want whenever you want and, if you take good care of your aligners so they remain clear and nearly invisible, no one will ever know you’re wearing them.
  • Invisalign® progressively straightens teeth by way of a series of custom-made aligner trays, which are fabricated by Invisalign® from either an impression or 3D scan of your mouth done by your orthodontist.
  • Invisalign® treatment can be completed in as little as six months, however, average treatment lengths vary from 12 to 18 months, typically about the same treatment time as conventional braces.
  • Invisalign braces with missing teeth are not meant to help with large gaps, but rather they can work to straighten teeth that have fallen due to a missing tooth next to them or a small gap.
  • Invisalign® Info | Invisalign Teen® Info | Invisalign® Costs | Invisalign® FAQs | Invisalign® Testimonials | Invisalign® Videos | Invisalign® Before & After
  • Invisalign aligners are custom made to each individual person, so there is a lot that goes into the 3-D technology with Invisalign, and this can contribute to the overall cost.
  • Invisalign Facts, Numbers and Figures, published by Olivia Rahim on August 22, 2014 states that “Approximately 20% of the population does not have an ideal bite”.

Am I A Candidate?

The good news is that many orthodontic patients are candidates for Invisalign. Your Orthodontic Associates’ expert clinicians will happily consult with you about your eligibility for Invisalign and make a professional determination.

Are Invisalign Attachments Noticeable?

Invisalign attachments are barely noticeable, especially when wearing the clear aligners over them.

Are the Results from Invisalign Permanent?

As soon as you stop wearing your aligners, your teeth will begin to shift back to their original crooked, crowded, gapped, or generally misaligned state. In order to prevent this and maintain the results you worked so hard to achieve, we will very likely prescribe a retainer for you to wear. Initially, we may suggest you wear your retainer 22/7, just like your aligners. However, after a few weeks or months, you might be able to switch to only wearing your retainer at night.

Are There Risks?

Invisalign braces are a safe and effective method of straightening the teeth. The only real “risk” comes from human error. Unlike other options such as metal or ceramic brackets, clear aligners are not fastened to your teeth, giving you the opportunity to “cheat.

Braces vs Invisalign: Which is Better?

Straightening one’s teeth can be done by a dental professional in several ways. The most preferred treatments these days, however, are traditional braces and Invisalign, both of which have their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Can I Decline Attachments?

Yes, you can decline attachments. Your Invisalign will still work, it just may take longer and be slightly less effective.

Can I eat, drink, or chew gum with Invisalign in?

You’ll need to remove your Invisalign aligners before you eat or chew gum and then floss and brush after each meal before putting your aligners back in. If you aren’t able to brush or floss, rinse with warm water or mouthwash.

Can I Use an Electric Toothbrush with Invisalign Attachments?

Yes, your attachments will not break off or be damaged by the toothbrush.

Can I Whiten My Teeth with Invisalign Attachments On?

Yes, you can safely get professional dental whitening with Invisalign attachments; it won’t damage or discolor the attachments. You can also use at-home whitening strips: your Invisalign aligners will double as whitening trays, for a convenient whitening treatment that also brightens your attachments. Whitening strips are perfectly safe and effective with Invisalign attachments on.

Can Invisalign Attachments Be Removed During Treatment?

It’s best to keep the Invisalign attachments on during the course of your treatment, but in certain cases they can be removed. For special occasions such as a wedding or religious coming-of-age ceremony, your attachments could be removed temporarily.

Can Invisalign Attachments Break or Fall Off?

That happens occasionally and isn’t a big issue. Let your orthodontist know and a new one can be attached at your next visit. If your aligners are still fitting well, the tooth will still move properly, and you can continue wearing your aligners as prescribed until then.

Can Invisalign Attachments Go On the Back Teeth?

Typically, Invisalign attachments are put on the front and side teeth for the most effective results, not the back teeth, but it all depends on your specific case.

Can SmartForce™ Invisalign Attachments Damage Teeth?

No, the SmartForce™ attachments are safe for use throughout your treatment and will not damage your teeth. Poor oral hygiene, however, can create plaque build-up around the attachments, leading to tooth decay and/or staining and discoloration.

Can You Get Invisalign After Braces?

If you had braces earlier in life and now, once again, have some dental misalignment, is it possible to get Invisalign? Absolutely. This is actually a really common phenomenon in our office. After orthodontic treatment, you have to be diligent about either getting a permanent retainer or wearing your removable retainer every single night. Many of our patients lost or stopped wearing their retainers after their teenage years. Without that retainer keeping the teeth in the correct position, they gradually move back. Ten years without wearing a retainer can have surprisingly dramatic consequences. In severe cases, the misalignment is just as bad as it was pre-braces.

Do I Have to Get Invisalign Attachments?

It depends on the specifics of your case and your dental diagnosis. Not every case requires attachments – some simpler cases may not need them for the aligners to move your teeth properly.

Do Invisalign Attachments Hurt?

SmartForce™ Invisalign attachments are pain-free! To put them on, your orthodontist will use safe, non-toxic dental adhesive glue. It is designed to keep your attachments on for as long as the treatment lasts, and then be dissolved easily and painlessly when you’re finished, without any lasting impact on your teeth.

Do Invisalign Attachments Stain or Damage Teeth?

The attachments won’t damage your teeth, as long as you take proper care of your oral hygiene throughout your Invisalign treatment. Staining is more common: the attachments can stain if you drink a lot of dark liquids like coffee, tea, or red wine. Luckily, Invisalign attachments respond well to whitening, so you can bleach them throughout your treatment, just like your teeth.

Does Invisalign Hurt?

You’ve likely heard braces hurt after the wires are tightened.

Does Invisalign hurt?

The aligners may not be comfortable at first, but be patient, says Dr. Veytsman. “The first few days of having something foreign in your mouth are always an adjustment.

Does Invisalign® treatment hurt?

During the first day that you use each set of Invisalign® aligners, you may feel some discomfort. Don’t worry, that’s normal. That’s because the aligner is gently moving your teeth. In most cases, the discomfort passes within the first day.

Have Your Efforts To Whiten Your Teeth Led To Frustration?

Your desire for whiter teeth may be clear, but that does not mean it is obvious how you should make the changes that you want to see.

How Are Invisalign Attachments Removed?

When your treatment is completed, the orthodontist will remove the Invisalign attachments in a simple procedure. They use a specialized tool to remove most of the dental composite materials that kept the attachment on your tooth, and then another tool – usually an ultrasonic scaler, to gently remove the remaining bits of material off your teeth.

How do I get started?

Getting started is easy. Give us a call, schedule online, or just walk in to your nearest participating Aspen Dental office for a free consultation. The dentist will create a personalized treatment plan just for you.

How Do SmartForce™ Invisalign Attachments Work?

Before you receive your first set of Invisalign aligner trays, your orthodontist will do attachment bonding. This means they will affix the attachments to a few of your teeth using dental bonding glue.


Patients often ask how the process is completed. First, patients book their consultation appointment. This visit allows for assessment of the patients’ smiles and decide if they are appropriate candidates for Invisalign treatment. If patients choose to move forward with this service to achieve the smile they desire, they then work with the dental team to complete a series of 3D digital impressions. These impressions create images that are sent to the Invisalign laboratories. The team there will create a precision set of trays that will guide the patients through the process of enhancing their smiles. The number of trays in patients’ series will vary, depending on how severe the misalignment is. Patients return to the dental office to obtain their trays. During this time, the dentist will walk patients through the process of enhancing the smile. Patients start with the first tray and snap them over their natural teeth. Each tray is worn for two weeks before patients progress to the next tray.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign’s clear and custom-molded aligners are made of a smooth, nearly invisible thermoplastic material. Wearing these aligners for 22 hours a day (only removing them when you have to eat, brush, or floss) will gradually shift your teeth into place, based on the precise tooth movements our dentist plans out for you. The average treatment plan lasts for about 11 months, but it still varies depending on the number of movements needed.

How does Invisalign work?

First, Dr. Levitin will make a custom impression of your teeth. Then, using 3D computer technology, the Invisalign laboratory makes a series of customized aligners according to Dr. Levitin’s instructions. You will wear each set of aligners for about two weeks, and they will gradually move your teeth millimeter by millimeter until the end result of straighter teeth is obtained. We find that both teenagers and adults love the convenience of Invisalign or clear aligner alternatives to braces.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign’s series of alignment trays gradually shift your teeth into place. Typically, your trays will be replaced every two weeks, and with each new tray, your teeth will be slightly straighter than with the previous tray; they move about 0. 25 mm.

How does Invisalign® work and what is the Invisalign® treatment process?

Once Dr. Sherrod Jewel has determined that you are a good candidate for Invisalign®, she will create an initial treatment plan which will then be displayed as a 3-dimensional picture of your mouth that can be seen on the computer screen. Dr. Sherrod Jewell can then move the teeth around on the screen and observe the jaw from different angles to see potential treatment results.


The Invisalign System combines advanced 3-D computer graphics technology with the 100-year-old science of orthodontics. Invisalign aligners are designed to move your teeth in small steps to the desired final position prescribed by Dr. Bonavoglia.

How Does Invisalign® Work?

Invisalign® progressively straightens teeth by way of a series of custom-made aligner trays, which are fabricated by Invisalign® from either an impression or 3D scan of your mouth done by your orthodontist. The clear, plastic trays aligners are worn over the teeth and gently shift them into their desired position over time. Each Invisalign® tray aligner is worn for approximately two weeks. At the end of each timeframe, a new set of trays aligners is used. The process is repeated until the treatment is complete, and the number of aligners depends on the level of difficulty of the case.

How does it work?

You wear each set of aligners for about two weeks, removing them only to eat, drink, brush, and floss. As you replace each aligner with the next in the series, your teeth will move — little by little, week by week — until they have straightened to their final positions. You’ll visit us about once every six weeks to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned. Total treatment time averages between 9 and 15 months, and the average number of aligners worn during treatment is between 18 and 30, both varying from case to case.

How does Invisalign® work?

You wear each set of aligners for about 2 weeks, removing them only to eat, drink, brush, and floss. As you replace each aligner with the next in the series, your teeth will move — little by little, week by week — until they have straightened to the final position. You’ll visit about once every 6 weeks to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned. Total treatment time averages 9-15 months and the average number of aligners worn during treatment is between 18 and 30, but both will vary from case to case.

How is the Procedure Different from Traditional Braces?

When you get traditional braces, the dentist makes an impression of your teeth by having you bite into a form that holding a gooey substance. After the proper amount of time has passed, the gooey material hardens and you are left with an impression of your teeth.

How long do Invisalign results last?

When you and your doctor are happy with the position of your teeth, you’ll get a retainer to keep them from shifting. Your results will last for as long as your teeth don’t shift. If the position of your teeth matches your last set of aligners, your retainers can be made from those, without taking new impressions of your teeth. There are several types of retainers, including Vivera from the company that makes Invisalign. Your doctor will recommend the best one for you.

How long does Invisalign®-Full take?

Invisalign® treatment can be completed in as little as six months, however, average treatment lengths vary from 12 to 18 months, typically about the same treatment time as conventional braces. Your personal treatment may vary depending on your needs and will be determined by your dentist.

How Long Will I Wear Invisalign?

Only the orthodontist can reasonably predict how long you will wear Invisalign, based on your individual case. Your treatment goals, the severity of malocclusions, your body’s response to treatment, your diligence to following instructions and your age will all serve as determining factors.

How Long Will Invisalign Treatment Take?

The average Invisalign case takes just 12 months. This is especially inviting when compared to the average of 24-36 months that traditional braces take. It’s important to realize, though, that this number is just an average. Your total treatment time may be significantly longer or shorter than a year. Your time wearing aligners may vary based on a few factors, such as the severity of your misalignment and your ability and willingness to wear your aligners for the recommended 20-22 hours a day. Again, schedule a consultation with us for a more personalized and accurate timeline.

How Many Invisalign Attachments Will I Need?

The number of attachments varies depending on the treatment and the specifics of your case. Some Invisalign patients do not require attachments, and others require up to 20. Most require somewhere in between. Your orthodontist will make the ultimate decision depending on your case and diagnosis. The more complex the case, the more attachments you will need.

How many patients are in Invisalign treatment?

More than 5,000,000 patients worldwide have been treated with Invisalign aligners. The number of Invisalign smiles grows daily. At your next appointment, we can answer any questions you might have, and get you started on the smile you’ve always wanted.

How Much Do Clear Aligners Cost Compared to Traditional Braces?

Clear aligners tend to cost a bit more than traditional braces, but there’s no way to provide exact numbers without knowing the specific needs of your teeth. The best thing to do is speak with your dentist or orthodontist to get a reasonable estimate of the price.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

Are you curious about the price of Invisalign and what you’ll be expected to pay? Check out our comprehensive pricing guide to learn how much Invisalign costs with QuickSmiles.

How much does Invisalign treatment cost, and what are my payment options?

All Invisalign treatment plans are customized to your unique needs, and cost varies based on the complexity of your case. After an initial consultation, we’ll be able to give you a much better idea of the total cost for treatment. At Kristo Orthodontics, we offer our $0 down with 0% interest financing program, with affordable payments. We also work with your insurance coverage and HSA.

How much does Invisalign® cost?

There are many factors that determine the cost of your Invisalign® treatment: how extensive the issues you want corrected, how long your treatment plan will last, and the specific treatment details prescribed.

How much does Invisalign®-Full cost?

Aspen Dental makes Invisalign® treatment affordable with flexible payment and financing options. We accept insurance—and typically an insurance policy that covers traditional braces also covers Invisalign® to the same extent. Aspen Dental also accepts tax-free dollars using an FSA or HSA.

How Much Will Invisalign Cost Me?

A frequently asked question (and rightfully so) regarding Invisalign is its cost. At first glance, Invisalign looks like an expensive treatment especially when compared to the cost of braces. At the same time, however, individuals can enjoy the same great results in less time with Invisalign and benefit from a more convenient and less painful experience.


Patients love that they can get their Invisalign treatment at the dental office with the team they already know and trust with the health of their smile. Patients also love that they just visit routinely so the dentist can evaluate the progress and ensure that the treatment is working as expected. This is unlike traditional orthodontic practices for which patients will have wires tightened and adjusted each time they visit. Invisalign appointments are fast, easy, and allow the dentist to monitor the process of treatment and ensure that the results patients desire are being achieved. If patients are not complying with treatment properly, there may be delays in their treatment and additional costs, especially if the dentist needs to create a new series of trays due to poor compliance.

How often must I wear the Invisalign® aligners?

Invisalign® aligners should be worn day and night, except when eating, brushing, and flossing. We recommend the aligners be worn   20 – 22 hours per day.

How Often Will I Get A New Aligner?

Most patients will wear a new aligner every one or two weeks. Each set of aligners will make slight adjustments to the tooth position. Your orthodontist will ask you to schedule regular appointments every four to six weeks to ensure that treatment is progressing as expected. You most likely will not need to visit your doctor at the change of each aligner.

How soon will you see Invisalign results?

Every case is different. Some people notice a difference from Invisalign in as little as two weeks, while others may need up to six months to start seeing results.

How to Manage Aligner Removal?

1. On one side of your mouth, use your fingertip on the inside of your back molar to slowly pull the aligner from your molars then walk the aligner out to the front and then the other side to release the aligner.

Interested in faster orthodontic treatment with AcceleDent Aura?

Commerce Park Children’s Dentistry & Orthodontics now offers AcceleDent Aura to speed up treatment by as much as 50%. AcceleDent Aura is a first-of-its-kind medical device that works with Invisalign® clear aligners to accelerate tooth movement. It is used daily for a recommended 20 minutes, during which users can simultaneously carry out routine tasks. Its exclusive SoftPulse Technology™, which generates small vibrations (or micropulses), has been reported to make the orthodontic experience not only faster, but also more comfortable.


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Is Invisalign Right for me?

Due to the unique circumstances behind each orthodontic patient, it may be best to consult with a dentist or orthodontist to determine if Invisalign® treatment is right for you.

Is Invisalign Right For You?

With Invisalign, you can achieve a beautiful, straight smile after several months—and no one can tell you’re wearing braces all throughout the treatment period. So, if you need to correct your overly crowded teeth or widely gapped teeth but don’t want to wear noticeable brackets, then Invisalign braces are a fitting option for you. In addition, Invisalign helps address overbite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite issues.

Is Invisalign worth it?

RealSelf members give Invisalign a Worth It Rating of 92%, higher than any other type of clear braces. Those who rated it “Not Worth It” said that the aligners didn’t correct their teeth enough, given the level of discomfort and hassle over a lengthy treatment time.

Is there anything I should consider before deciding upon Invisalign® treatment?

Any orthodontic treatment requires an adjustment period. It may take some time for you to become used to the Invisalign® aligning trays. They must be worn all the time, except during meals when food can become trapped inside.

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Q: Are there restrictions on what I can eat?

A: In general, no. Unlike traditional family orthodontics, you can usually eat and drink whatever you desire because you remove your aligners while eating. Thus, there is no need to restrict your consumption of any of your favorite foods and snacks, unless otherwise instructed by your doctor.

Q: Can I chew gum while wearing Invisalign aligners?

A: NO. Gum will stick to the aligners. We recommend removing your aligners for all snacks and meals.

Q: Is it OK to drink hot or cold beverages while wearing Invisalign aligners?

A: Except for cool water, we recommend that you do not drink while wearing the aligners. This is to avoid formation of cavities and stains, or warping of the aligners with hot drinks and hot water.

Q: What if I lose or break an aligner’s attachment?

A: In the event that one of your aligner’ attachments is lost or broken, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Q: What if I lose or break an Invisalign aligner?

A: In the event that an aligner is lost or broken, you should immediately inform your doctor. Your doctor will probably tell you to start wearing your last set or next set of aligners immediately. He or she will possibly order you a new set of aligners to replace the ones you just lost, which should arrive in a few days. The key is to not go an extended time without wearing an aligner.

Q: What should I do if my new Invisalign aligner doesn’t snap onto my teeth?

A: Minor discrepancies between the new aligner and the current tooth position are normal, since the teeth need time to conform to the new aligner position. In the event of significant problems with aligner fit, inform your doctor.

Q: Why do some of my aligners have bumps or ridges on them?

A: Depending on your specific Invisalign treatment, some of the movements may require either “attachments” or “ridges” to help the aligner grip the teeth. These bumps, or wells, are where the aligner grips the attachment the doctor places on your teeth. The attachments are actually small pieces of composite the doctor affixes to your teeth that are then gripped by bumps on your aligners. The ridges are slim indentations in your aligners. Your doctor will use one or both of these features to attempt to achieve the desired movement.

Q: Will smoking or chewing tobacco stain the aligners?

A: We discourage tobacco use while wearing aligners because of the possibility of aligner discoloration.

Q: Will the treatment be painful?

A: Most people experience tooth soreness for a few days after starting each new stage. This is normal. It is a sign that the Invisalign aligners are working, moving your teeth to their final destination. This soreness should gradually go away a couple of days after inserting the new aligner in the series.

Q: Will wearing the Invisalign aligners affect my speech?

A: Like all orthodontic treatments, the aligners may temporarily affect your speech, and you may have a slight lisp for a day or two. However, as your tongue gets used to having aligners in your mouth, any lisp or minor speech impediment caused by your aligners should disappear.


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Too much crowding? Too difficult?

Dr. Anthony Patel has been an Invisalign provider in Fort Worth, TX for over a decade and has successfully treated thousands of the most challenging and difficult cases to the same high standards of quality as braces. While most other dentists and orthodontists are either unwilling to attempt or don’t have the experience to treat these cases, Dr.

What about the cost?

There are several factors to consider when comparing the cost of traditional braces and Invisalign aligners. The final price will depend on how severe your teeth alignment problems are, as well as the number of trays that you may have to use throughout the Invisalign treatment process.

What are Aligner “Chewies”?

Aligner “Chewies” are used to aid in seating attachments and help the teeth track in the aligners. Patients should use them several times a day for the first few days with each new set as directed by the doctor.

What are Clear Aligner Attachments?

Clear aligner attachments are made of clear composite material and are placed on the teeth to help the aligners make certain movements. It is very important the attachments or “bumps” on the teeth engage the corresponding “bubbles” in the aligner. They can be applied and managed by a qualified orthodontic dentist.

What Are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are an inconspicuous, removable alternative to traditional metal braces. When you get these custom-made, clear plastic aligners, you’ll receive several months’ worth in advance, and you’ll change them out at regular intervals (usually about every two weeks) to help shift your teeth into proper position. The entire series of aligners could take up to nine months or longer, depending on the amount of alignment needed. If you’re hesitant to wear traditional wire-and-bracket orthodontic hardware but still want to straighten your teeth, clear aligners could be the right solution for you.

What Are Invisalign Attachments?

By Dr.

What are Invisalign Attachments?

Attachments are small, tooth-colored dental pieces that affix to certain teeth during your invisible braces treatment. They are very effective for moving teeth, by acting as grips for the Invisalign aligners to hold onto. The aligners fit snugly over the attachments (also known as buttons), which helps hold them in place to slowly and gently move your teeth into their correct positions.

What are Invisalign attachments?

Attachments serve as “handles” for the aligners to engage teeth for specific movements. Ninety percent of people have some attachments for the duration of their treatment, and 40% need them on the front four teeth. The attachments are tooth-colored, small, and hard to see—but they’re more noticeable when you wear the aligners, because the plastic accentuates them.

What are Invisalign attachments? What types of attachments are there?

Invisalign attachments are tooth colored dental composite material that are bonded to your teeth as part of Invisalign treatment. Attachments create a surface that the aligner pushes on.

What Are Invisalign Braces Made Out Of?

The clear Invisalign aligners are made from smart track materials that are strong but not brittle. They can hold their shape but are bendable enough that they won’t constantly be cracking or breaking. Plus they are virtually invisible so you can straighten your teeth without calling unnecessary attention to your work in progress smile.

What Are the Benefits of Clear Aligners?

Before we get into a comparison between clear aligners and traditional braces, let’s align on the most significant shared benefit between the two – straighter teeth. When your teeth are straight, you’ll likely feel a lot better about your smile, and your mouth will be healthier, too.

What are the benefits of wearing Invisalign®?

The benefits of Invisalign® are many.

What are the primary benefits of Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign aligners are clear, which makes Invisalign treatment a seamless fit with your lifestyle and day-to-day interactions with others. Invisalign aligners are also removable. Unlike braces, you have the flexibility to eat and drink what you want during treatment simply by removing the aligners when you eat. You can also remove the aligners to brush and floss as you normally would for fresh breath and good oral hygiene.

What does it feel like to wear Invisalign®?

Just like traditional braces-wearers, any soon-to-be Invisalign® wearer naturally wants to know what it’s going to feel like to have those aligners on your teeth all day long. As with any orthodontic treatment, wearing the trays will require a slight adjustment period. While there may be temporary discomfort for a few days at the beginning of each new stage of treatment, this feeling of pressure means the aligners are doing their job and shifting your teeth as intended.

What happens during Invisalign treatment?

Your dentist or orthodontist digitally scans your teeth, creates a customized treatment plan, and shows you an animated visualization of your new smile. Your custom aligners are 3-D printed and mailed to your dentist’s office within a few weeks.

What is an Invisalign® attachment?

Not every Invisalign® wearer will need attachments, which are sometimes referred to as ridges. Depending on your specific treatment plan, some of the movements may require you to have small attachments made of tooth-colored composites put on your teeth. These attachments are gripped onto by the bumps in your aligners so that your teeth achieve the desired tooth movement.

What is healthier about straight teeth?

Misaligned teeth can lead to premature wear, tooth loss, gum disease, and the buildup of bacteria associated with more serious problems including heart disease. The word malocclusion is used to describe an abnormal tooth alignment. Some examples of malocclusion include crowding, gapped teeth and issues with your bite. Left untreated, crooked teeth can cause excess wear on your teeth and gums, affect your speech, and result in temporomandibular joint disorder and chronic headaches.

What is Invisalign Express treatment?

Unlike the conventional Invisalign process, which offers unlimited aligners for up to five years, Express treatment offers five-, seven-, and 10-aligner “packages,” to make minor corrections at a significantly lower cost.


Invisalign is a type of orthodontic treatment that can be used to achieve a more beautiful smile. It can be utilized for patients who have mild to moderate misalignment and can also align the bite. Patients with overbite, crossbite, or underbite can enjoy Invisalign treatments. The process is done using clear plastic aligner trays to gradually move the teeth into proper alignment. This is done by wearing the trays for at least 20 hours a day. The trays are easily removed, allowing patients to maintain their oral health and wellness, flossing and brushing as they normally would without having to worry about brackets and wires that can make it complicated.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a treatment option for straightening teeth using a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually shift teeth into their ideal position. Invisalign aligners are clear and removable, making them a more convenient and discreet treatment option. With Invisalign, patients can still eat, drink and clean their teeth without the hassle of metal brackets and wires.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a form of braces that use clear tray aligners. They’re made of Invisalign’s own blend of plastic, and manufactured in their own facilities based on molds of your mouth. The aligners are a solid piece of plastic that is strong enough to put pressure on specific parts of your teeth to slowly move them into a better position.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign® is a custom-made aligner that is interchanged roughly every two weeks for a period of six to eighteen months, or longer depending on the severity of misalignment. Similar to a mouth or dental retainer (which is designed to keep teeth from shifting out of place), an Invisalign® aligner is used for orthodontic treatment as a technique to move and properly align teeth for a beautiful smile. This clear aligner is usually computer generated from a mold (or impression) of the patient’s teeth—taken by either a dentist or an orthodontist—and the fitting is unique to each patient only.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign straightens teeth using a series of invisible or undetectable aligners. As your teeth move into place, you get new aligners so the fit is always perfect and your teeth continue to straighten as intended. Because the aligners are clear, they are practically invisible and nobody needs to know you’re wearing them. Plus, because they’re custom-made to fit your teeth, they are more comfortable than other braces alternatives.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign® has become a household name across the country as the invisible alternative to metal braces. Providing people the opportunity to have straight teeth without the stress and annoyance of outdated orthodontic techniques, this option is now available to nearly everyone.

What is Invisalign?

An alternative to traditional metal braces, Invisalign uses a series of removable clear aligners to straighten teeth and correct gaps, crowding, and mild bite issues. Made of a flexible plastic that fits snugly over your teeth to gradually adjust their position, the aligners (aka trays) are worn 24/7, except for when eating, drinking, or brushing teeth.

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® clear aligners are a modern, advanced option for those seeking orthodontic treatment. Many patients prefer Invisalign® because of their esthetic nature, as the aligners are almost undetectable while being worn. They are also removable, allowing more freedom and comfort for eating and oral hygiene.  The treatment uses a series of aligners that give you subtle change and more comfort as you work your way towards a straighter smile. Invisalign® clear aligners are made with highly advanced 3D computer imaging technology, allowing them to be a very effective tool for orthodontic tooth movement. As such, Invisalign® is becoming a more and more popular treatment modality amongst both adults and teens today.

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® uses a series of invisible, removable, and comfortable aligners that no one can tell you’re wearing. So, you can smile more during treatment as well as after. Invisalign is made with 3-D computer imaging technology and has been proven effective. More than 70% of orthodontists in the US and Canada are certified to treat with Invisalign.

What Is Involved With Invisalign Treatment?

At your initial consultation, treatment will be discussed, and our team will help determine if Invisalign is right for you. We will use our digital scanning system to create precise 3D images of your smile. A treatment plan will be mapped out highlighting the length of treatment and projected movement of your teeth. You will even have the chance to preview an image of the expected results! Your custom clear aligners will be designed for you to wear 22 hours a day and your dentist will let you know how often to switch to a new set of aligners.

What is it?

Invisalign treatment uses a series of virtually invisible, removable, and comfortable aligners that allow you to smile more during treatment as well as after. Invisalign clear aligners are made with 3D computer imaging technology and have been proven to be incredibly effective.

What Is Malocclusion?

Malocclusion means that your teeth are not aligned properly.

What is the Invisalign system?

The Invisalign system is the virtually invisible way to straighten your teeth and achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Invisalign treatment uses advanced 3D computer imaging technology to depict your complete treatment plan, from the initial position of your teeth to the final desired position.

What issues does Invisalign® correct?

Invisalign® or traditional metal braces can be used to treat similar dental issues. The difference is that Invisalign® trays look almost invisible and can be removed when necessary.

What should I know as a parent about my teen’s Invisalign treatment?

Rest assured that you’re choosing a treatment that will give your teen a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime—while giving them the freedom to easily enjoy social events, sports, band, and all the foods they love. From simple to complex, Invisalign treatment is effective for a wide range of orthodontic treatment cases. With the Invisalign Teen Guarantee, if you’re not satisfied within the first six months of treatment, you can switch to traditional braces at no additional charge.

What’s the first step?

If you’re tired of your post-braces misalignment, schedule a virtual consult at our office. You can submit a few photos and I’ll send back a video explaining what treatment option might be best for you.

Which Foods Can I Not Eat with Attachments?

One big benefit of Invisalign removable aligners is that you can eat everything! You just need to remove aligners while eating and brush regularly. There are no specific foods you need to avoid.

Who Can Provide Invisalign Treatment?

Only an orthodontist who has been trained and certified on Align Technology can oversee treatment with Invisalign braces. If a visit to one of our Baltimore orthodontists has determined that Invisalign is an appropriate course of treatment, you will be in expert hands for all phases of your treatment. Our providers receive continuing education to remain up to date on their Invisalign certifications.

Who could be a candidate for Invisalign First clear aligners?

As a child grows, their smile grows with them. And even with baby teeth, it may be the perfect time for children ages 6 to 10 to start orthodontic treatment. This is known as Phase 1 treatment.

Who Is A Candidate For Invisalign?

Anyone that suffers from misaligned teeth is a likely candidate for Invisalign treatment.

Why are The SmartForce™ Attachments Different Shapes?

Each tooth is different shape and requires different kind of movement to align in the correct position. Your orthodontist will carefully select the proper size and shape of attachments, in order to best move your teeth to the correct positions.

Why choose Invisalign?

You may be surprised to know that the benefits of having properly aligned teeth extend far beyond a confident smiles. According to the American Dental Association, straightening your teeth can actually significantly affect your overall dental health.

Why Consider Invisalign?

Know exactly what you’re going to get with a digital preview.

Why Is Invisalign So Popular?

The main reason patients first express interest in Invisalign is because this alternative to braces can be worn at any time without being noticed by others. These devices are virtually undetectable as they straighten your teeth because they don’t use wires and brackets. Instead, the patient’s teeth are straightened using clear, removable, customizable appliances referred to as aligners. Our team uses the unique specifics of each patient’s teeth and jaw to create aligners that are custom-made just for them. The plastic aligners that you wear over your teeth are smooth and comfortable. Unlike treatment with braces, Invisalign also allows you to eat anything you want easily, and cleaning them is no problem because they can be removed. The best feature is that they are nearly invisible as they work to move your teeth gradually into their proper places. While you are being treated with this technology, you receive new aligners approximately every two weeks, and many of the people in your life will never even know.

Why Should You Choose Chicago Dental Arts for Your Invisalign Treatment?

For over two decades now, Chicago Dental Arts has been the go-to dental office for many patients in Chicagoland patients.

Why Should You Choose Invisalign® for Teens & Adults?

Cut your treatment time with amazing results and the invisible look of Invisalign® for teens or adults. Visit us in Carmel or Briarcliff, NY and our 3D printing technology at Putnam Orthodontics will assure you a perfect fit.

Why would I want it?

Not only are the aligners virtually invisible, they’re removable! Which means eating, drinking, brushing and flossing are no problem during your treatment. They are also more comfortable than traditional braces, with no metal or wires, meaning you’ll spend less time in your dentist’s office getting adjustments. Invisalign treatment also allows you to view your own virtual treatment plan when you start so you can see how your straight teeth will look when your treatment is complete.

Will Invisalign Work for Me?

The orthodontists at QuickSmiles are top Invisalign experts. With over 15 years of specialized experience with Invisalign, we can straighten almost any smile thanks to these expert orthodontists.

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