Do you know about the 20 disadvantages of dental crowns that you may not know about? If not, be sure to read on for a list of some of the most common complications associated with dental crowns.
Cost of dental crowns
Most people know that dental crowns can be quite expensive, but many may not know exactly how much they’ll end up costing. In most cases, dental crowns range in price from around $250 to $2,000. This may seem like a lot, but keep in mind that you’ll need to visit the dentist more often if you get crowns – usually every six months or so. If you’ve had traditional dental fillings in the past, then your dentist may be able to composite your dental crown using those same materials. This will result in a cheaper option, but it will still require visits to the dentist.
Risk of tooth sensitivity
Crowns can cause tooth sensitivity. When a dental crown is put on a tooth, it creates a hard and protective layer over the tooth. This layer can cause sensitivity in the surrounding teeth, especially if they are adjacent to the crown.
Tooth sensitivity may also be caused by the use of dental bonding materials or dental sealants. These materials can also prevent your teeth from responding well to oral hygiene. If this is the case, you may experience toothaches, sensitivity, or even pain when you brush your teeth or floss.
If you experience sensitivity in one or more of your teeth after getting a dental crown, talk to your dentist about the option of removing the crown and restoring the tooth back to its original state.
Unnatural look
Crowns can often look unnatural and out of place. They can make teeth appear larger than they are and can make teeth appear more jagged or uneven. Crowns can also make teeth appear more fake or artificial. As a result, many people find them uncomfortable to wear and find it difficult to floss or chew. Crowns can also be difficult to repair if they break or become damaged. In the long run, this can lead to decay around the crown and gum disease.
Difficulty flossing
Flossing around dental crowns can be a challenge because of their shape. They can also be hard to clean, as they are covered in plaque and bacteria. It may take some extra effort to get around the crown, but it is worth it in the long run. It is important to be careful when flossing around a crown, as you could risk harming your tooth or damaging the surrounding teeth.
Risk of decay around the crown
When dental crowns are placed on teeth, they act as a barrier between the tooth and the environment. However, this barrier can be broken down in a number of ways. decay can start around the crown itself, or it can spread to adjacent teeth through the gums. If decay does reach an adjacent tooth, it may cause substantial damage. Crowns should be replaced every five years to ensure that they are protecting your teeth from decay.
Difficulty chewing
When dental crowns are fitted, they can be quite difficult to fit in your mouth. This can cause issues with chewing and brushing, as well as eating certain foods. In some cases, the crown may also make it difficult to reach certain areas of your teeth for tooth brushing or flossing. If you have difficulty with chewing, it is important to speak with your dentist about possible solutions.
Risk of infection or nerve damage
When dental crowns are installed, they typically come in contact with sensitive areas of the gums. This can cause irritation or recession around the crown. In some rare cases, infection may develop and require surgery to remove the crown and replace it with a new one. If a nerve is damaged during surgery, it may not function properly and may require additional surgery to Repair. Care must be taken when brushing and flossing around a crown as this can easily damage the delicate nerves. Additionally, if you require whitening or brightening services with dental crowns, be sure to ask your dentist about the risks and benefits of using these procedures.
Difficult to repair
If you are unlucky enough to have a crown that becomes cracked or broken, it can be extremely difficult to repair. This is because the dental adhesive that is used to hold the crown in place may not hold up under pressure and the crown can easily fall off. Additionally, if the crown does break or crack, it can be hard to fix because of all the damage that has been done. In some cases, the crown may need to be completely replaced.
If a crown becomes loose, it can also be very difficult to fix. This is mainly because the metal that is used to make the crown is very delicate and can easily become damaged if it is not properly secured. Furthermore, if the crown becomes loose, it can cause constant irritation and discomfort when eating or drinking. Finally, if the crown becomes damaged due to wear and tear, it can be very difficult to repair.
Crowns can also become stained or discolored over time. This is because the dental material used to make them is not always light-weight and can absorb liquids and other substances from the surrounding teeth. Over time, this can lead to a yellowing of the crown or a discoloration of the tooth. In some cases, this may require a dental restoration procedure in order to fix the issue.
Repairing a crown can be time-consuming and costly. This is because specialized tools and materials are often required in order to fix a crown improperly. Additionally, if you are not experienced in repairing crowns, it may take longer than usual to complete the job. Furthermore, crown repairs may also cost more than replacing a crown outright.
For some people, crowns are not a desirable look. This is because they may feel self-conscious about their smile when they have a crown on. Additionally, for some people, crowns can give the appearance of having bad teeth. Therefore, it is important to consider what look you want your smile to have before choosing a crown style.
All in all, dental crowns are definitely not easy things to repair or replace. However, if you experiences any of the following problems with your crown, it would be best to bring it into your dentist for an assessment: cracked or broken crown, loose crown, stained or discolored crown, or damaged metal around the crown.
Long treatment and recovery times
When it comes to dental crowns, there can be a lengthy treatment and recovery time required. Crowns may require multiple visits to the dentist and can take weeks or even months to heal properly. Patients who have dental crowns should be prepared for a lengthy treatment process that will require a lot of effort on their part. It is important to take care of your teeth and mouth during the treatment process so that your crowns will last as long as possible. If you experience any pain or discomfort while undergoing crown treatment, please don’t hesitate to contact your dentist. They may be able to prescribe you some relief measures.
If you have dental crowns, make sure to inform your dentist if you are taking any medications or supplements that could interact with the crowns. This includes prescription and over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, minerals, and herbal remedies. Be sure to keep all of your appointments and follow your dentist’s instructions carefully. Crowns are often a long-term solution and should be treated with care in order to maintain them for as long as possible.
Potential for ill-fitting crowns
There is a risk of crowns becoming ill-fitting, which can lead to discomfort and dental problems. If you have a weak or thin tooth, the crown may not be able to hold it in place properly and may eventually fail. If you have a large or crooked tooth, a crown may not be able to make it look straight. Crowns can also stain easily and may need to be regularly cleaned by your dentist – something that may not be possible if you have other teeth that are difficult to clean. Additionally, crowns can cause your gums to recede, making it difficult to brush and floss them properly.
Potential for cracking or chipping of the crown
There are a number of reasons why crowns may crack or chip. These can include wear and tear, improper use or installation, dietary deficiencies, etc. In the worst case scenario, a crown can be completely broken and need to be replaced.
If you notice any cracks or chips in your crown, it is important to get it repaired as soon as possible. Crowns that are broken or damaged can lead to significant oral health concerns, such as tooth sensitivity and bacterial infection. Additionally, a cracked or chipped crown may not fit properly and cause discomfort when chewing or drinking. If this happens, you may also lose your oral hygiene routine.
If you suspect that your crown has been damaged in any way, it is best to consult with your dentist immediately. He or she will be able to asses the situation and recommend the best course of action.
Potential for gum irritation or recession
There are many potential reasons why a person might experience gum irritation or recession around their dental crowns. Some of the most common reasons include: difficulty chewing, sensitivity to metals, and a history of dental injury.
If you have any of these factors working against you, it may be difficult to avoid gum irritation or recession around your crowns. Sometimes, small changes in your diet or lifestyle can help remediate the situation. For example, if you find that you are having trouble chewing because of your dental crowns, try to switch to a softer toothbrush or chew on ice chips instead of hard foods. If you are sensitive to metals, it may be helpful to avoid wearing jewelry with metal components or using topical treatments that contain metals. If you are prone to bruising your teeth, be sure to take precautions when brushing your teeth and wearing dentures.
In some cases, re-crowning may be necessary to relieve the irritation or recession around a dental crown. If this is the case, it is important to choose a dentist who is experienced in performing this type of procedure. Additionally, it is important to keep your teeth clean and healthy as possible so that the crown does not become damaged over time.
Risk of staining or discoloration
When dental crowns are placed on your teeth, they can easily become stained or discolored. This is because crowns collect bacteria and food residue, and these materials can eventually cause staining or discoloration.
If left untreated, staining can become permanent and cause significant discoloration. In some cases, staining may be so severe that it may require a dental restoration to fix it.
There are a few ways to prevent or limit the amount of staining that dental crowns cause. For example, you can regularly clean your teeth and gums around your crowns with a toothbrush and toothpaste that contain stain-fighting properties. You can also use a mouthwash that contains anti-stain ingredients.
However, it is important to note that stain prevention is not 100% effective. Even with regular cleaning, Crowns will occasionally start to stain. So, you will have to find a way to cope with discoloration in the event that it does occur. There are a few options available to you: you can try using a whitening toothpaste, wearing an over-the-counter light protectant rinse, or going for a restoration if the staining becomes too severe.
It is always important to consult with your dentist before receiving dental crowns in order to ensure they are the best option for your smile and teeth. Furthermore, be sure to monitor the color and condition of your crowns regularly so that you can address any issues as early as possible.
Risk of damage to adjacent teeth
When dental crowns are placed on teeth, there is always a risk of damage to adjacent teeth. If the crown is not properly fitted, it can cause cracks or chipping in adjacent teeth. If the crown is not maintained, it can also cause staining or discoloration around the edges of adjacent teeth. In some cases, adjacent teeth may even be damaged beyond repair.
When selecting a dental crown, it is important to ensure that the crown is properly fitted to the surrounding teeth. If the crown is not fitting properly, it may cause damage to adjacent teeth. It is also important to keep the crown in good condition by regularly cleaning and maintaining it. If damage does occur, it may be difficult to repair. Crowns should also be whitened or brightened if desired, but avoid doing so if it will cause damage to adjacent teeth.
Potential for crown to come loose
If you are not sure how to properly fit a crown, it is possible for it to come off in the future. If this happens, you may have to take it off and put it back on again, which can be quite difficult and time-consuming. In addition, replacing a lost or damaged crown can be quite expensive. If a crown does come loose, it is important to visit your dentist as soon as possible to have it replaced.
Difficulty in cleaning around the crown
If a crown is not properly cleaned and maintained, it can be difficult to remove it without damaging the tooth. Crowns can also become stained or discolored over time, making them difficult to clean. They can also cause issues when it comes to flossing and chewing because of their obstructive nature. In addition, if the crown becomes loose, it can be difficult to remove it without causing further damage. Overall, it can be very challenging to clean around a dental crown.
Risk of metal allergies or sensitivities
Dental crowns may be a source of metal allergies or sensitivities for some people. This is due to the fact that they may contain nickel, which is a common allergen. Additionally, some people are particularly sensitive to brass and copper, which are two common metals used in dental crowns. If you are prone to metal allergies or sensitivities, it is important to be aware of this potential risk and take precautions when choosing a dental crowns.
Need for tooth preparation
When it comes to having dental crowns put on, you need to be prepared for the long and difficult treatment process. First, you will need to get your teeth cleaned and prepared. This is important in order to avoid damaging any other teeth while the crown is being put on. Second, you will need to have metal fillings or bridges replaced with crowns if they are beginning to wear down. Finally, you will need to have a tooth extraction performed in order to free up enough space for the crown to be put on correctly. These are all necessary steps if you want a successful dental crown treatment.
Inability to whiten or brighten crowns
When it comes to crowns, most people want the ability to whiten or brighten them. However, this can be difficult due to their metal content. Crowns are usually made of metal and this metal can cause problems when it comes to whitening or brightening.
Part of the problem with crown whitening is that crowns are not dyeable. This means that even if you use a whitening agent that is specifically designed for crowns, it may not work very well. In addition, crowns are often porous, which makes it easy for staining and bacteria to accumulate.
As a result, many people find it difficult to get their crowns white or bright. If you are not a good candidate for crown whitening, you may have to resort to other methods such as bleaching or lightening.
Risk of gum disease or gum recession around the crown
If you are looking to improve your smile and increase your overall oral health, dental crowns may be a good option for you. However, there are a few things you should know about them before making the commitment. Crowns can increase the risk of gum disease or recession by creating an environment that is difficult to clean. Additionally, they can be a nuisance to eat or drink from, as they can make it hard to reach the back of your mouth. Additionally, crowns may not fit well and may crack or chip. If this happens, it can lead to tooth decay or even loss. If you are experiencing gum disease or recession around your crown, it is important to see your dentist for a consultation and assessment. During this appointment, your dentist will be able to determine the best course of action for restoring oral health.
Although dental crowns are a helpful way to improve the look and function of your teeth, there are a few things to keep in mind. Crowns are often expensive, risky, and difficult to repair, so it is important to weigh the pros and cons before getting them done. Additionally, keep in mind that crowns may not be the best option for everyone, so it is important to ask your dentist about other options.