Natural Teeth Whitening – A complete list

Before you spend hundreds of dollars on bleaching your teeth, there are quite a few natural ways of whitening your teeth.  You may not get ridiculously white teeth within a blink of an eye, but rather nice naturally looking white teeth, at a fraction of the cost.   Depending on the method you choose, your general oral health may also improve and your lovely smile may be easy to maintain.


Looking for something potent to whiten your teeth?

I know that some of you may want to try something a bit more potent.  Over the years, people have been exploring different methods to get their teeth as white as possible. we’ll discuss some of the more potent options available to you, from professional treatments to at-home remedies. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of each, so that you can make an informed decision about which is best for you.

Comparison between Natural Teeth Whitening Options

OptionCostIngredientsEffectivenessSafetyVariety of ProductsEase of UseReliabilitySide EffectsTime RequiredAvailability
Activated Charcoal   LowCharcoalModerateSafeLowEasyModerateNoneShortReadily Available
Baking SodaLowBaking soda, Hydrogen Peroxide, SaltModerateSafeLowEasyModerateNoneModerateReadily Available
Hydrogen Peroxide LowHydrogen PeroxideModerateSafeLowEasyModerateNoneModerateReadily Available
Apple Cider Vinegar LowApple Cider VinegarLowSafeLowEasyLowNoneLongReadily Available
Coconut OilLowCoconut OilLowSafeModerateEasyLowNoneLongReadily Available

Use Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a popular and effective way to whiten teeth. It is a natural, chemical-free alternative to traditional teeth whitening techniques, such as bleaching. Activated charcoal is highly absorbent, which means it can bind to plaque and other debris that may be discoloring your teeth, making them appear brighter and whiter.

The process of using activated charcoal to whiten teeth is simple. First, you need to buy activated charcoal in a powder form. You can find this product at most health food stores, as well as online. Once you have the powder, you should wet your toothbrush and dip it into the powder. Then, brush your teeth for two minutes, making sure to cover all of your teeth. Spit out the charcoal and rinse your mouth with water.

The effects of using activated charcoal to whiten teeth can be seen immediately. If your teeth are very dark, you may need to use the charcoal a few times a week for a few weeks to see a noticeable difference. If you don’t want to be bothered with the powder, there are also activated charcoal toothpastes available.

It is important to note that activated charcoal can be abrasive and may damage tooth enamel if used too often. Therefore, it is best to use it sparingly and to follow up with a fluoride toothpaste to help protect your enamel.

Overall, activated charcoal is a safe and natural way to whiten teeth. It is easy to use and can be done in the comfort of your own home. If you are looking for a chemical-free, affordable way to whiten your teeth, activated charcoal is a great option.

For a comprehensive article on activated charcoal, please click here …

Brush with Baking Soda

Brushing your teeth with baking soda can be one of the most effective methods for whitening your teeth. While baking soda is a natural whitening agent, it can also be damaging to your teeth if used incorrectly.

When used correctly, baking soda can help to whiten teeth by removing surface stains and discoloration due to food, drink, and smoking. Baking soda is slightly abrasive, meaning it can gently scrub away surface stains and discoloration to reveal brighter and whiter teeth underneath. This is because baking soda is an alkaline substance, which helps to raise the pH of the mouth, making it more difficult for bacteria to stick to teeth and form plaque. Additionally, baking soda neutralizes acids, which can also contribute to enamel erosion and discoloration.

However, it is important to note that baking soda should not be used as a replacement for regular brushing and flossing, as it is not as effective at removing plaque buildup and can cause tooth sensitivity if used too frequently. Furthermore, baking soda can also be too abrasive and cause damage to your teeth if used too often or too aggressively. Over time, this can lead to enamel erosion and even tooth decay. Additionally, baking soda can cause the tooth enamel to become more porous, making the teeth more prone to staining and discoloration in the future.

Overall, brushing your teeth with baking soda can be an effective way to whiten your teeth if used in moderation. However, it is important to be mindful of the potential damage that it can cause if used incorrectly or too frequently. It is best to speak with your dentist before using baking soda to whiten your teeth to ensure that it is the right choice for your oral health.

For a comprehensive guide on Backing soda, please click here to read more …

Use Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective and affordable option for whitening teeth. It is a natural and mild bleaching agent that can help to remove surface stains and whiten teeth. Additionally, it has antiseptic properties which can help to prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Using hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth is safe and easy. It can be used as a mouthwash or applied directly to the teeth with a toothbrush. To use it as a mouthwash, mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water. Swish the solution around in your mouth for a few minutes, then spit it out. For direct application, wet a toothbrush with some hydrogen peroxide and then brush your teeth in a circular motion. Let the solution sit on your teeth for a few minutes before rinsing your mouth out with water.

When using hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth, it is important to be aware of the potential side effects. The most common side effect is tooth sensitivity, which can be uncomfortable and last for several hours. Additionally, it may cause the gums to become irritated and the teeth to become more vulnerable to staining. Therefore, it is important to be careful and not use hydrogen peroxide too often or for too long of a period of time.

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective and affordable way to whiten teeth. It is safe to use when done correctly and can help to remove surface stains and whiten teeth. When using hydrogen peroxide, it is important to be aware of the potential side effects and use it in moderation to avoid causing any damage to your teeth.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has become increasingly popular in recent years as an all-natural remedy for a variety of ailments, including whitening teeth. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which is believed to help remove surface stains and discolouration from teeth. It can also help to reduce bacteria in the mouth, which could help to reduce bad breath.

Although apple cider vinegar has been touted as an all-natural way to whiten teeth, it is important to note that it can also be detrimental to your dental health. While it may be effective at removing surface stains from your teeth, it can also be abrasive and erode the enamel of your teeth, which can lead to sensitivity and even decay.

It is also important to note that the acidity of apple cider vinegar can be harmful to the gums. This can be especially problematic for those who already have gum disease or other issues. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar can be difficult to rinse out of the mouth, meaning that it can linger and continue to cause damage.

While apple cider vinegar can be effective at whitening teeth, it is important to understand the risks associated with it. It is not recommended to use it as a toothpaste or in place of professional dental care. It is best used as an occasional treatment or as part of a regular dental hygiene routine. If you choose to use apple cider vinegar to whiten your teeth, it is important to dilute it with water and rinse thoroughly afterward. It is also important to consult with a dentist before using apple cider vinegar as a whitening agent, as they can provide advice on the best approach to take.

In conclusion, apple cider vinegar can be an effective way to whiten teeth, but it is important to understand the risks associated with it. It is best used as an occasional treatment and not as a substitute for professional dental care. If you do choose to use it, make sure to dilute it with water and rinse thoroughly afterward. Additionally, it is always a good idea to consult with a dentist before using apple cider vinegar to whiten teeth.


Oil Pulling with Coconut and other oils

In recent years, oil pulling has become a popular natural remedy for a range of health issues, including freshening breath, reducing inflammation, and even whitening teeth. While oil pulling has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, it is only recently gaining recognition in modern medicine. So, how does oil pulling work and can it really help to whiten teeth?

In its simplest form, oil pulling is a practice in which a person swishes oil in their mouth for an extended period of time, usually twenty minutes or longer. This helps to remove bacteria and toxins from the mouth. Coconut oil is the most commonly used oil, although other options such as olive, sunflower, and sesame oils can also be used.

The benefits of oil pulling are numerous, and while it is not a replacement for brushing and flossing, it can be an effective way to improve oral health. It is believed that oil pulling can help to reduce plaque and improve gum health by removing bacteria that cause gum disease. In addition, oil pulling may help to reduce bad breath, as the oil helps to remove the bacteria that cause bad breath.

But can oil pulling really help to whiten teeth? While oil pulling may not be a substitute for professional whitening treatments, it can be an effective way to help maintain a brighter smile. Coconut oil, in particular, contains lauric acid, which is believed to help break down stains and discoloration on teeth. In addition, oil pulling may help to reduce the amount of plaque on teeth, which can also lead to a brighter smile.

It is important to note that oil pulling is not an immediate solution to whitening teeth. It may take several weeks of regular oil pulling to begin to see results. It is also important to note that oil pulling should not be used in place of regular brushing and flossing. In addition, oil pulling should not be used as a substitute for professional whitening treatments.

In conclusion, oil pulling is a safe and natural way to help improve oral health and may even help to whiten teeth. While it may not be a substitute for professional whitening treatments, it can be an effective way to maintain a brighter smile. However, it is important to note that it may take several weeks of regular oil pulling to begin to see results.

Below is a list of easy and healthy natural options for Whiter Teeth

Brush and flossSonicare Toothbrush

I know this doesn’t sound like a whitening technique, but preventing teeth from discoloration is much easier than removing stain!  Failing to keep up with a thorough oral hygiene routine will allow staining, decay and tatar build-up (which also cause discoloration).  If you use a good quality electric, preferable a sonic toothbrush, you may find that a lot of the existing stains disappear leaving your teeth looking whiter.  Do not forget to floss as staining between the teeth are very common. If you need more information regarding toothbrushes or toothpaste, you can find articles under the heading: Teeth Whitening at Home.

Rinse with water after eating or drinking

Things like coffee, tea and coke can stain teeth. Even tooth colored fillings can discolor. Removing any leftover residue will certainly help a lot to prevent tooth staining. Regular rinsing will also help to prevent decay.

Rinsing with water after eating or drinking helps to wash away food or drink particles that can cause cavities. It also helps to neutralize the acidity of foods and drinks and can help to remove any plaque or bacteria that may have developed.

Gum with Xylitol

Xylitol is a five-carbon sugar alcohol that nearly tastes like table sugar but with amazing dental benefits.  Xylitol is non-fermentable and therefore cannot be converted to acids by oral bacteria (as it would with sugar).  It helps to restore a proper alkaline/acid balance in the mouth and therefore minimizes the damage done to your teeth and help the teeth to remineralize faster.  The alkaline environment is inhospitable to destructive bacteria including the common Streptococcus mutans and inhibits plaque formation.  Chewing of xylitol containing gum has been demonstrated to reduce caries in Finnish teenagers by 30% to 60%.  Chewing also increases saliva production, helping to rinse away food/drink particles (which may cause staining) and increases the buffering capacity and protective factors in saliva.

Crunchy Vegetables
Crunchy Vegetables

Eat crunchy fruit and vegetables

They will help to remove many chemicals and sugars that cause staining of your teeth.  Some vegetables like carrots, celery, cucumbers and broccoli are natural tooth whiteners.  Because they’re crunchy, they increase saliva flow and therefore aid in lessening tooth stains.  Apples contain malic acid, which is a chemical that actually dissolve stains.  They even use malic acid in some teeth whitening products!

Eat Cheese

Cheese, milk and yogurt contain calcium and phosphorus which promote remineralization of tooth enamel.  Enamel is the strong outermost layer of your teeth and keeping it strong and healthy could prevent demineralization and staining as well as decay.  As enamel is whiter than the dentin underneath, your teeth will also appear more yellow if there is less enamel.

Fruits with Whitening abilities

Certain fruits have the ability to whiten teeth naturally.  Strawberries contain natural whitening agents and are a very popular home bleaching agent.  Simply rub the strawberry onto your teeth.  Do clean your teeth thoroughly afterwards as they contain acids and sugars that is harmful to your teeth.  Lemons can also be used.  Make a paste by mixing the lemon juice with a bit op salt and brush it onto the teeth.  Personally I would not recommend this method due to the harmful erosive effect of something as acidic as lemons.  If you still want to try it, make sure to clean your teeth properly after using the paste.  Consume raisins.  They induce higher levels of saliva production and help to rinse away staining agents.

Strawberries and Lemon for Teeth Whitening
Strawberries and Lemon for Teeth Whitening

Stop Smoking

Smoking is one of the most dangerous and unhealthy habits that a person can have. It is a known fact that smoking can lead to numerous health issues and can even be fatal. It is also an established fact that smoking can cause significant discoloration of the teeth, which can be unsightly and embarrassing. Quitting smoking can help to whiten teeth, making for a much healthier and more attractive smile.

Smoking can cause a variety of discoloring on the teeth. This discoloring is caused by the tar and nicotine in the smoke, which causes the teeth to turn yellow or brown. Additionally, the heat from the smoke can damage the enamel on the teeth and cause them to become stained. Quitting smoking can help to reverse this damage and help restore the natural whiteness of the teeth.

When someone quits smoking, the tar and nicotine that have built-up on the teeth over time will gradually be removed. This can result in the teeth appearing much brighter and whiter. Additionally, brushing and flossing on a regular basis can help to remove any residual staining that may still be present.

Quitting smoking can also have a positive effect on the health of the gums. Smoking causes the gums to become irritated, which can lead to inflammation, bleeding, and receding gums. The inflammation can also cause bacteria to build-up on the teeth, leading to further discoloration. By quitting smoking, the gums will be able to heal, reducing the risk of additional staining.

In addition to helping to whiten teeth, quitting smoking can also improve overall oral health. Smoking can cause an increase in plaque, tartar, and cavities, which can lead to tooth decay. Quitting smoking can help to reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth, making it easier to maintain good oral hygiene.

Overall, quitting smoking is one of the best ways to help whiten teeth. The tar and nicotine in the smoke can cause significant discoloration of the teeth, but quitting can help to reverse this damage and restore the natural whiteness of the teeth. Additionally, quitting smoking can help to improve the health of the gums, reducing the risk of further staining. Finally, quitting smoking can also help to improve overall oral health, reducing the risk of cavities and other dental issues.

Use a Straw

In recent years, the use of straws to whiten teeth has gained traction in the dental industry. This technique is an easy, affordable way to achieve a brighter, healthier-looking smile without the need for expensive professional treatments. It is also a safe, non-invasive method that does not involve the use of harsh chemicals or bleaches.

The concept behind straw-whitening is simple: drinking beverages through a straw can help prevent the staining of teeth. When you drink beverages such as coffee, tea, and soda, the pigments in these liquids can get stuck on the teeth, leading to discoloration. By drinking through a straw, these pigments are less likely to adhere to the teeth and less likely to cause discoloration.

To use this technique, simply purchase a package of plastic straws at your local grocery store. Before consuming any staining beverages, insert one of the straws into the drink and sip through the straw. This will help keep the pigments from staining the teeth. Additionally, make sure to brush your teeth with a toothpaste that contains fluoride after each sip of the drink.

In addition to its whitening benefits, using a straw to drink beverages can also help protect the enamel of your teeth. The enamel is the outermost layer of your teeth and helps protect them against decay and damage. When acidic beverages are consumed, they can wear away the enamel of your teeth and make them more prone to decay. Drinking these beverages through a straw helps reduce the amount of contact that the liquid has with the enamel, which in turn reduces the amount of wear and tear on the teeth.

Overall, using a straw to whiten teeth is a simple, affordable way to achieve a brighter, healthier-looking smile. It is also a safe, non-invasive method that does not involve the use of harsh chemicals or bleaches. Not only that, but using a straw to drink staining beverages can also help protect the enamel of your teeth and reduce the risk of decay. So next time you reach for a staining beverage, make sure to grab a straw and enjoy it in a healthy, teeth-whitening way.

Drink Water

Water is essential for life and it can also help to whiten teeth. Drinking water helps to rinse away plaque, the sticky substance that builds up on teeth and causes discoloration. Water also helps to keep teeth clean by washing away food particles that can cause discoloration. The minerals in water, such as calcium and fluoride, can help to protect teeth from decay and staining. Drinking water throughout the day is a simple way to keep your teeth looking their whitest.

Plaque can form on teeth due to the buildup of bacteria and food particles. In order to prevent and remove plaque, it is important to drink plenty of water. Water helps to rinse away the bacteria and food particles that cause plaque, which prevents the discoloration of teeth. Drinking water also helps to keep the mouth hydrated, which can reduce the risk of cavities and other dental problems.

The minerals in water, such as calcium and fluoride, can help to protect teeth from decay and staining. Calcium helps to strengthen teeth, while fluoride helps to prevent cavities. Fluoride is a mineral that can be found in tap water and certain toothpastes. Drinking tap water throughout the day can help to keep teeth strong and healthy.

Drinking water can also help to reduce staining from coffee, tea, and other dark-colored beverages. Water helps to rinse away the staining particles, which can help to keep teeth looking brighter. Additionally, drinking water after consuming staining substances can help to reduce the amount of staining that occurs.

In conclusion, drinking water can help to whiten teeth. Water helps to rinse away plaque, bacteria, and food particles that can cause discoloration. The minerals in water, such as calcium and fluoride, can help to protect teeth from decay and staining. Drinking water throughout the day is an easy and cost-effective way to keep teeth looking their whitest.

It is important to remember that it will not help to try the above mentioned tips once and expect sparkling white teeth.  With the exception of the acidic fruits, I would suggest that you make these recommendations part of a healthy lifestyle and oral hygiene routine in order to reap the benefits you desire.

If you still require something more effective, look at the articles on:

One Response to Natural Teeth Whitening – A complete list

  1. Hosting says:

    This works great as a natural teeth whitener. Many people confirm to the fact that it does make their teeth look whiter. Mix a small amount of hydrogen peroxide with a small amount of baking soda to make a paste. Brush your teeth as usual, making sure you brush those back teeth too. Hydrogen peroxide is an anti-bacterial agent and works great as a total mouth and gum cleaner and keeps the mouth free of germs.

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