Whether it’s due to microorganisms, dry mouth, gum infection, or even the foods and beverages we consume, everyone has experienced bad breath at some point. In any case, bad breath isn’t a permanent problem; with the right preventative measures and treatment, you can keep your mouth smelling fresh all day. If you’re looking for ways to avoid bad breath, keep reading for our top eight tips.
Brush and Floss
Brushing and flossing every day is one of the most effective ways to eliminate foul odors from your mouth and prevent bad breath for the rest of the day by removing odor-causing microbes. Brushing and flossing can also help wipe out the smell and remove any food particles that could cause the smell to deteriorate if you just ate something particularly sharp.
Stay Hydrated
Drinking water has numerous health benefits, but it can also assist in the elimination of stinky breath when it is absolutely necessary. Drinking a lot of water cleans your mouth of harmful bacteria and removes debris from between your teeth, making it a quick fix for bad breath.
Cut Back on Coffee
There’s a reason “espresso breath” is a commonly used term to describe bad breath. Caffeine in tea and espresso can dry out your mouth, but espresso is a particularly bad offender. This is due to the sulfurous substance’s ability to be separated by horrible breath-causing microorganisms, resulting in the infamous “espresso breath.” Even worse, espresso is extremely difficult to get off your tongue without brushing, so your morning espresso can wait until later in the evening.
Keep Tobacco Products at a Safe Distance
Smoking or using tobacco products reduces your salivation flow and leaves a foul odor in your mouth, similar to espresso.
Moderate consumption of alcohol is recommended.
Liquor causes a dry mouth, which creates the ideal environment for odor-producing microbes to thrive. Unfortunately, whether you drink wine, lager, or hard alcohol, any type of liquor can leave your breath smelling for up to 8-10 hours after you’ve finished drinking.
Gum without sugar
Gum chewing helps to increase spit production, which helps to wash away food acids and microorganisms from your mouth. Not only will chewing gum freshen your breath, but it will also help prevent pits from forming. If you want the best results, look for xylitol-free gum.
Breath Mints, on the other hand, should be avoided.
Most mints, like those you might get in transit from your favorite restaurant, contain sugar. Because the sugar sits on your teeth, these sweet mints, regardless of their new flavor, exacerbate bad breath. Mints without sugar are a convenient option, but they won’t get rid of bad breath or the harmful microscopic organisms that cause it.