Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day is an easy way to keep your teeth and gums healthy. However, issues with the tooth’s base — the part beneath our gums and into our facial bones — occur infrequently, and a more specialized treatment is required to restore your teeth to good health and keep them in your mouth. This is where the Root Canal comes into play.
What is a Root Canal Procedure?
To understand the procedure known as a Root Canal, you must first understand the portion of the tooth referred to as a Root Canal. It is a section on the inside of the tooth between the mash (which contains nerves, veins, and connective tissue) and the base of the tooth — or you can think of it as the slide through which blood and nerves enter your body. Regardless, root canal treatment is more akin to brushing within a container. To remove contaminated or damaged mash, a flimsy instrument is inserted through the crown, or top, of the tooth. It is then filled with composite material and sealed with concrete on the crown of the tooth to prevent spit and microorganisms from entering. A crown and, on occasion, a post are embedded to further secure your tooth.
What Is the Cause of Root Canal?
Although there are numerous reasons why an individual may require a Root Canal, they frequently revert to rot. In most cases, tooth decay is prevented by maintaining proper oral hygiene. Rot occurs when plaque forms on the teeth and converts sugars to corrosive, causing the teeth and gums to disintegrate.
However, tooth decay can be caused by factors other than lax brushing habits. Damage to the teeth, such as chipping or breaking, can result in rot, as it exposes a greater portion of the tooth to microbes. The chips or breaks can occur as a result of normal mileage over time, or as a result of a mishap or mouth injury. On a more serious note, these wounds are not always visible; rather, the mash of the tooth is harmed, contaminating it. Other dental systems, such as fillings or a broken crown, can also have an effect on the mash.
Finally, anything that weakens or breaks the tooth’s protective layers can result in rot or more serious diseases, necessitating a Root Canal. Actual tests and x-rays determine whether someone requires one.
What Are the Root Canal Symptoms?
Occasionally, the sole indication of the need for a Root Canal is pain. It could be experienced while eating or drinking something hot or cold. It may also manifest itself when you chomp down or focus your attention on the tooth. However, any tooth torment that lasts longer than a day should be treated immediately — because occasionally, there is no agony following torment, which is not always a good sign.
The agony you feel prior to requiring a Root Canal is due to contaminated pulp inside your tooth. When the disease progresses or is not treated, the mash can crumble, and within the mash are the nerves of your tooth. Absence of agony may lead you to believe the issue has resolved itself, which is not always the case. Additionally, as the contamination progresses, the following symptoms may manifest: swollen, delicate gums; obscuring or changing the shade of the tooth due to the absence of blood flow; or a boil where discharge spills from the tainted region. Refusing to address these side effects for an extended period of time may mean that an extraction, rather than a Root Canal, is the sole treatment option.